What is RoHS?

It stands for Restriction oHazardous Substance. This is a directive put forth by the European Union which states that from July 1, 2006 new electrical and electronic equipment put on the market does not contain lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) or polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE).

RoHS compliments the Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive.

Helpful Resources

RoHS Product Compliance Lookup

Request Compliant Status of Multiple Part Numbers

Additional Links

General Statement

Directive Compliance

Are PennEngineering® fasteners RoHS compliant?

Our Commitment

PennEngineering currently has over 14,000 active fastener part numbers. The majority of these PennEngineering parts are compliant with European Directive (2002/95/EC) and RoHS II (2011/65/EU) and RoHS III (2015/863/EU) and also the current China RoHS requirements.
Neither Perfluorooctane sulphonate (PFOS) nor Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) are intentionally added to our parts (2006/122/EC).

We are committed to helping our customers select RoHS compliant products and offer this general statement regarding compliance of our fasteners to the RoHS directive. This information is intended to provide general guidance to customers to help them select compliant products. To check status of specific product types go to the Product Compliance Lookup. If compliance certification on specific part numbers is needed, we can supply such certification if a list of our part numbers is supplied. Submit your request to [email protected].

PEM® and SI® Products

Atlas® Products

StickScrew® Products

Regarding Future Compliance

We will continue to monitor RoHS directives as part of a continued effort to provide quality products that meet the requirements of the customers and markets that we serve.
PennEngineering’s standard terms and conditions apply to RoHS compliance and define PennEngineering’s obligations in the event any parts represented as compliant are disputed.


Any questions on RoHS can be directed to: [email protected]

RoHS Frequently Asked Questions

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¿Qué buscas?

En nuestro sitio web se pueden realizar búsquedas de diferentes maneras. Por ejemplo buscando el inventario o las especificaciones del producto mediante el número de pieza completo o un número de pieza parcial. Ni siquiera tienes que escribir las palabras "inventario" o "especificación de producto".
Ejemplos de lo que hay que escribir:
Número de pieza completo o parcial: “S-632-1ZI”, “CLS 632” Type: “CLS”, “FH”, “SO” Contenido de la página web: “Tuercas autoblocantes” o "Pernos PEM"